EdWeek Market Brief Minute: Tips for International Vendors on U.S. Market

Managing Editor

The EdWeek Market Brief staff, in a presentation at the Bett ed-tech conference, offered K-12 companies from around the world an introduction to what it takes to work in the U.S. education market.

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Some education businesses are content to sell within the comfortable confines of their home nations. But that’s not an option for many providers located outside the United States.

For those K-12 businesses, especially those based in smaller countries, breaking into bigger, foreign markets is a necessity. And landing sales in the United States, with its 14,000 school districts and relatively stable state and local economies, is an especially tantalizing opportunity for non-American K-12 providers.

At the same time, many foreign education businesses rightly approach the U.S. market with a degree of wariness, given its reputation as a bureaucratic, risk-averse system where networking and word-of-mouth recommendations matter a lot.

EdWeek Market Brief  has written extensively about international markets, and what companies need to know before heading abroad. At the recent Bett international ed-tech conference in London, EdWeek Market Brief Executive Editor Kevin Bushweller and I made a presentation to break down the U.S. market to foreign companies.

The event was hosted by the Department for International Trade, a British government organization that promotes opportunities for trade and investment around the world for U.K.-based companies.

You can view a quick summary of the issues we laid out in the video, above, or watch a full video of our presentation. Both were provided by the Department for International Trade.

In describing Bett in the past I’ve come to exhaust synonyms for the word “big,” so I’ll just lay out some of the facts about the reach of the event, which draws companies, educators and other participants from around the world.

In 2016 Bett attracted more than 34,000 unique visitors from 158 countries. Forty-six countries were represented from the European Union, the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. There were 528 speakers, and 477 different sessions.

Check out EdWeek Market Brief ‘s coverage of the international markets, and if there are trends you see in play that we should be writing about, let us know.

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